renderer : FunctionA renderer is an 'interceptor' method which can be used transform data (value, appearance, etc.) before it is rendered. …… Parameters value : Object The data value for the current cell metaData : Object A collection of metadata about the current cell; can be used or modified by the renderer. Recognized properties are: tdCls, tdAttr, and style. ……
看能用上的这个参数metaData,这里可以通过tdCls,tdAttr, 和style去修改单元格的样式和相关的属性
这里我用tdCls和style①设置style{ xtype: 'gridcolumn', renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) { /* if (value > 0) { return '' + value + '%'; } else if (value < 0) { return '' + value + '%'; }*/ if(value>0){ metaData.tdCls="changeplus"; }else{ metaData.tdCls="changediv"; } return value+'%'; }
app.css.x-grid-cell.changeplus { background-color: #42E61A; } .x-grid-cell.changediv { background-color: #F79709; }
{ xtype: 'gridcolumn', renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) { /* if (value > 0) { return '' + value + '%'; } else if (value < 0) { return '' + value + '%'; }*/ if (value > 0) { metaData.style=' margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(102, 102, 0);">; }else{ metaData.style=' margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(102, 102, 0);">; } return value+'%'; }, width: 75, dataIndex: 'pctChange', text: '变化百分比' },